Mardi Gras, Galveston Style!!

The vast majority of us know nothing about what Mardi Gras is, other than what we see on Cops every Saturday night.

Contrary to what we thought, Mardi Gras IS NOT the out of control sex, drugs and rock 'n roll party that we had seen on TV. That really is not a part of the Mardi Gras celebration, it is a part of New Orleans though and one of the reasons that city probably will never see any of our hard earned cash again.

Galveston has the second largest Mardi Gras Celebration in the country and we decided to see what it was all about this year.

We had a great time on Fat Tuesday down on the Strand. If you wanted to get into trouble we're sure that you probably wouldn't have any problem doing so, but from what we could see, Mardi Gras in Galveston is actually a family event.

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